18 Search Results for: labpiqture

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High cholesterol and COVID-19 are biggest drivers of physician visits for male life insurance applicants

June 28, 2022 By

With ExamOne's unique laboratory testing results database, insurers can take a deeper look at the conditions that are most commonly diagnosed in male life insurance applicants.

Our Commitment

Collectively connecting and celebrating with our clients

May 26, 2022 By

Knowledge shared and gained at life insurance industry events is invaluable. The connections made and renewed are important in keeping the industry moving forward.


Five common diagnoses found in female life insurance applicants’ historical laboratory results

May 10, 2022 By

Using laboratory testing history databases to evaluate applicant risk can provide life insurance underwriters a more complete picture of applicant health.


3 ways real-time health data is shaping the future of life insurance

September 29, 2021 By

The adoption of instantaneous health data in the underwriting process will help move the life insurance industry forward now and in the future.


New partnerships and investments provide insurers more options to receive medical records in the risk assessment process

September 23, 2020 By

Here are 4 ways we are investing in our medical record retrieval process to help alleviate some of the frustrations in the typical APS process.

Ask The Experts

Ask the Expert: Discover more about historical laboratory data for life insurance underwriting

July 29, 2019 By

Historical laboratory data can be useful for life insurers in the underwriting process. Discover some of the top diagnoses codes and doctor specialties.


Laboratory insights on male life insurance applicants reveal high diabetes and hypertension rates

July 15, 2019 By

Discover the top five diagnoses of male life insurance applicants revealed through LabPiQture™ and as well as common non-disclosures among this population.

Ask The Experts

Ask the Expert: Getting the most out of your prescription history report

June 27, 2019 By

A prescription history report provides underwriters immense detail regarding prescription use. Learn how to get the most out of your reports.