Category: Our Commitment

For content about ExamOne’s Commitment to you and our industry, click here.

Our Commitment

Our employees’ years of experience benefit clients and consumers

June 17, 2024 By

Our employees' efforts, commitment, and years of experience are central to providing superior service to ExamOne's clients and consumers.

Our Commitment

Staying engaged with the life insurance underwriting community

May 10, 2024 By

After returning from the Association of Home Office Underwriters (AHOU) conference this year, some of our leaders report back on the topics that were top of mind of this year.


Consumers report a consistent quality experience with ExamOne

April 29, 2024 By

ExamOne's professional staff, options for convenience of screening locations, ease of scheduling, and the constant monitoring of multiple performance metrics help ensure that policy completion is not stalled or hindered, and applicant satisfaction is achieved.

Our Commitment

Taking ExamOne to the NEXT LEVEL: employee awards and giving back at annual convention

March 10, 2024 By

Join us in appreciating our employees who won awards and those who demonstrated our commitment to our communities by giving back at our recent annual employee convention.


Three key principles to consumer convenience during the life insurance application journey

September 25, 2023 By

To help make the underwriting process faster for insurers and the application journey easier for applicants, ExamOne focuses on 3 key convenience principles: access, self-service, and no friction

Our Commitment

Thank you to our long-tenured team members

June 14, 2023 By

Please join us in celebrating our committed colleagues as they celebrate milestone work anniversaries this year.

Our Commitment

2022 ExamOne Awards: Employees RISING UP

March 1, 2023 By

During our ExamOne convention, we held our annual employee awards ceremony to celebrate individual and group accomplishments across the organization from 2022.


50 Years of Laboratory Testing: A legacy of empowering decisions

December 20, 2022 By

From the mid 2000s until the present, declining life expectancy, increase drug use and smoking, plus the powerful tool data has become created huge changes to life insurance underwriting.

Ask The Experts

More than a call center

November 3, 2022 By

By providing applicants with more options, we have increased personal history collection completion rates by 40%. Find out more about our call center and health history collection solutions.

Our Commitment

50 Years of Laboratory Testing: A look back at the role and evolution of laboratory testing in life insurance risk assessment

October 30, 2022 By

Find out how laboratory testing in life insurance risk assessment continued to change in the 2000s and into the new century.