In 2015, I Commit To: Helping the Industry Better Assess Mortality Risk for Applicants

palmier_headshotDr. Jim Palmier, M.D., leads our Analytics and Medical Affairs for ExamOne. As our Medical Director, Dr. Palmier oversees laboratory testing, research and development, and paramedical services. His focus on data-driven insights help the company continue to create innovative solutions that solve real-world problems.

In 2015, Dr. Palmier and his team have committed themselves to:

  • Providing our customers value-added and timely analytics regarding the mortality risk of their applicants and books of business
  • Providing applicants timely access to their results so they can work with their physicians to decrease any potential health risks
  • Developing innovative analytic tools and processes to help the industry better assess mortality/morbidity risk
  • Partnering with customers and industry leaders to ensure that all families optimize and protect their physical and financial health

We are looking forward to 2015 and being committed to helping the industry better assess mortality risk for their applicants. If you have any questions, please reach out to Dr. Palmier at