Category: Brokers
Exam location makes a difference in completion rates and turnaround time
Life insurance exams completed in-center showed the highest completion rates and fastest turnaround times, compared to mobile exams.
Client feedback drives creation of four new project teams
Our client feedback from our annual customer survey helps prioritize four areas of focus as we continue to build out roadmap initiatives.
Modernizing the life insurance applicant experience through digital engagement
To keep up in the digital world, modernizing the customer experience is the most important thing we can do. Read about three key projects that ExamOne is working on to help modernize the customer experience.
Recent scheduling enhancements place an emphasis on the applicant experience
ExamOne's ScheduleNow is focused on delivering a positive, efficient applicant experience when scheduling the life insurance exam.
Customer survey update: How customer feedback empowers innovation
We've put together six action plan teams to address key opportunities our customers highlighted in our annual customer satisfaction survey.