Tools to help your clients complete the life insurance application process

So you met with your client, helped determine their life insurance needs, and filled out the application. Weeks have passed and now the case is expiring, incomplete. Here are a few solutions to help avoid this phenomenon when clients don’t schedule their paramedical exam. We are here to help you and your clients experience a smooth paramedical process and receive coverage ASAP.

Explain the why

Talk about the benefits and make the stakes tangible. A fully-underwritten policy using current biometrics may provide significant premium savings to your clients. Communicating that can help explain the importance of the process and motivate timely follow-through. Translate their potential monthly savings quote into “number of fancy lattes” or whatever is important to them.

Walk through the process together. Addressing concerns ahead of time by explaining the necessary medical requirements can make the difference in your completion rates. The ExamOne website offers pre-exam resources in multiple formats and languages here. Remind your client that this can also be a great time to check in with their health. After the exam is completed, your applicant receives exam results* in an interactive health report called Inside Look®.

Take advantage of tech tools

Significantly reduce turnaround time by using ScheduleNow™. When you submit the exam order online, you can access our real-time schedule and reserve the appointment. This means you can get a commitment from the applicant to take the next step and schedule the paramedical appointment at the same time you process the application. Using ScheduleNow eliminates the need for follow-up calls to the applicant and shaves days off the total turnaround time.

Your clients are busy. Now you can use new and more convenient ways to reach them during the process, including email scheduling. When an email is included on the application, our system sends out an email* with a link to access our schedule online. We also email appointment reminders and a survey to gather feedback after their exam is completed.

Your clients are busy. Now you can use new and more convenient ways to reach them during the process, including email scheduling.

Keep engaged with your client

It’s tempting to treat the paramedical process as “set it and forget it.” We encourage you instead to stay involved, since when you treat it as time-sensitive and important so will your client.

You can track your cases through your home office’s system or through our portal to see actions taken to complete the process. If you see that we’ve attempted to reach your client a few times with no success, please reach out to them with a gentle reminder.

We want to be your partners in the life insurance process, working with you and your client to reach the goal of an issued policy. For more information on our resources and how ExamOne can help improve exam completion rates, contact your local sales representative.

*Subject to carrier participation