Local Sales: 2015 Commitment

Joey-GrantOur local account team is led by Joey Grant, Director of Field Sales, and is comprised of 80 local sales representatives across the nation. These individuals are committed to serving the producers and brokers in the life insurance industry. Every day they spend their time meeting with agents, visiting their offices, learning each agent’s unique business needs and educating them on workflows and processes that can provide a better experience for their applicants.

In 2015, Joey and his team have committed to the following:

– Averaging more than 22,000 face-to-face meetings with producers per month

– Averaging more than 180 educational presentations per month

– Sending 1 million education emails to producers

– Increasing utilization of applicants viewing their laboratory results through Inside Look

This enthusiastic team of individuals is ready for a successful 2015! They are looking forward to extending partnerships with existing agents and making new partnerships as well. If you have any questions, please reach out to your local sales representative. If you are unsure who your sales representative is, please email Kevin Mahr at Kevin.J.Mahr@ExamOne.com and the right person will be in contact with you.