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Life insurance tools and resources at your fingertips
Find tools from ExamOne to make it easier for agents to order life insurance exams and to help educate applicants on the life insurance application process.
Laboratory insights on male life insurance applicants reveal high diabetes and hypertension rates
Discover the top five diagnoses of male life insurance applicants revealed through LabPiQture™ and as well as common non-disclosures among this population.
Learn more about the life insurance application process
We are here to help you learn more about the process and steps you need to complete for an easy and successful life insurance application experience
Why am I getting a blood draw to apply for life insurance?
If you are in the process of applying for life insurance and need a medical or paramedical exam that includes a blood draw, we are here to help explain the process.
Ask the Expert: Getting the most out of your prescription history report
A prescription history report provides underwriters immense detail regarding prescription use. Learn how to get the most out of your reports.
Celebrating our employees’ commitment and contributions in the past, present, and future
The efforts and commitment of our long-time employees help us continue to create inspiring workplaces for all of our employees.
Drug testing positivity is a negative factor for employers and insurers
Workforce drug testing positivity climbed to its highest rate since 2004. Are the same trends being reflected in life insurance drug testing results?
Incorporating blood tests into older-age underwriting facilitates faster policy issue and decreased costs
Adding additional laboratory test components to replace traditional older-age underwriting requirements helps insurers save time and money.