Our industry is built on relationships. The relationships that carriers, agents, and brokers have with their clients, and the relationships between vendors and partners like us. For our part, we are committed to bringing the most value that we can to these relationships. From our sales representatives in the field to the operational teams in our offices, we build our days around helping our clients work more effectively and providing the best possible experience for applicants. To highlight our dedication, we are going to take a peek into the “day in the life” of our team and how they are committed to putting clients and applicants first.
Brittany Smith, Sr. Sales Representative in Las Vegas, NV – Brittany.L.Smith@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: It’s Las Vegas, enough said.
Follow Brittany on LinkedIn:

Please join us on a summer road trip as we visit our employees who are committed to our clients and applicants across the country.

Committed to clear communication
Key communication in the West: Travis Vang, Sr. Sales Representative in San Jose, CA – Travis.M.Vang@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: San Jose was founded in 1777 and before Sacramento, it was the state’s capital.
I have been a part of the ExamOne family since 2013 and I see my main role as a liaison between agents and examiners. The most enjoyable part of my job is being able to interact with agents and listen to their needs on how I can help them grow their business. It is also important to stay transparent with the examiners and the ExamOne office I work with, so we are all on the same page. When my office schedules a medical exam, I like to make sure that I communicate to our examiners to complete each case with the same level of service and dedication. If our examiner goes out to complete an exam for a $100,000 policy and then follows up with an exam for a $1,000,000 policy, they understand the importance that each case should be treated with top priority, regardless of the amount of insurance.
“I try to ensure that our examiners treat every exam with equal importance and I communicate this to my clients as well.” –Travis
Life insurance agents have an important duty, and that is to help and protect families by trying to ease the burden of losing someone close to them. It is my job to help them in this process. If our service is courteous and quick, and our communication is clear, then everyone benefits from our process.
Follow Travis on LinkedIn: 

Committed to providing support
Support in the East : Sue Querques, Sales Representative- Hillsborough, NJ – Sue.X.Querques@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: Hillsborough is the home of the Belle Mead General Depot, which was a storage site for materials for World War II.
Being there for my client is the key to success. When they need help, need answers, or need professionalism, who will they call? The answer to this lies in the relationships that I have built with them.
“When agents are confident that I am a valuable resource, they will call me.” – Sue
Our home office is also there for you. On my quest to deliver outstanding customer service, as a sales representative I have the support of the ExamOne home office for assistance. The reliability within our home office team is vital to the process. We work together to identify improvements and develop resources to train agents. We as a company are committed to providing support to all of our clients.
Follow Sue on LinkedIn: 

Committed to a personal connection
Professionalism in Pittsburgh: Beth Mcginley, Sales Representative in Pittsburgh, PA –Beth.R.Mcginley@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: With six victories, the Pittsburgh Steelers have won the most Super Bowls in the NFL.
I am proud to tell my clients about my background and to say that I work for an industry leader. My confidence, knowledge, and passion for educating my clients are what drive me.
“I value the professional relationships I have gained during these five years and hope to continue to grow these with ExamOne.” – Beth
We all know what is really important to all of our clients, and that is having their exams completed in a timely, professional manner. Providing good customer service is what I enjoy so much about my job. Walking into an office and being greeted on a first name basis with my clients is an amazing feeling. Being recognized by an agency for providing excellent service on a case they submitted is what it is all about. When a client spreads a positive word of mouth about my service; that is when I realize I have gained their trust.
Follow Beth on LinkedIn: 

Committed to a positive attitude
Continuing our adventure: Jerry Brinson, Sales Representative in Raleigh, NC – Jerry.W.Brinson@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: The first state art museum in the country is in Raleigh, NC.
The client and sales representative relationship is the most important part of my job. Being the face of ExamOne to all of my clients, means they depend on me to keep them informed on exciting and new things within our company. It is also vitally important that I know my agents as people and not just as clients. They need to know that I am there for them during the good times as well as when issues arise and they need help to rectify any situation.
“Keeping a positive attitude and ensuring them that everything is going to work out is what I do best.” – Jerry
My favorite quote is “the client doesn’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care.” I carry this attitude with me every day and will continue to do so throughout my career with the best company in the industry.
Follow Jerry on LinkedIn:

Committed to problem solving
Making our way east: Laura Calvin, Sales Representative in Charlotte, NC – Laura.C.Calvin@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: For over 50 years, Charlotte led the nation in gold production. The gold rush here began in 1799.
What do I do for Exam One? I interact with agents and sell our services, but I also solve problems. Every day I get genuinely excited about seeing my clients. As soon as I get in my car, I put on good music and drive to appointments, meetings and presentations for my clients—life insurance agents and financial advisors. One thing I really enjoy is educating them about our services and helping them to take care of their applicants.
“The relationships I build with my clients are strong and that is important in this job. It is not just about selling something, it is about being there.”- Laura
The best part of my job is solving problems. We all hate problems, but there is nothing better than an agent reaching out to me for help and being able to take care of them. They know they can count on me and it feels good to be trusted with their business. Answering their phone call day or night means that I have done everything I can to help them.
Follow Laura on LinkedIn:

Committed to giving back
On a mission in the Midwest: Laura Dorsey, Sales Representative in Indianapolis, IN- Laura.L.Dorsey@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: “Take me out to the ball game” was written by an Indianapolis native, Albert Von Tilzer.
In addition to my daily duties as a sales representative of educating producers on how our solutions and products can improve workflows, I also like to ensure that the client and applicant receive the best experience possible. Striving to be a point-of-contact who can help trouble shoot, track and find answers when answers are needed and deadlines need to be met is something that I dedicate myself to doing.
“I frequently have the opportunity to partner with local organizations on so much more than just a medical exam.” – Laura
But one of the greatest things about working for ExamOne on the local level is that it allows me the opportunity to work with my clients in their efforts to give back to the community. Whether it is helping to raise money for the Payton Manning Children’s Hospital or Ronald McDonald house, helping with a blood drive at an agency to donate blood to the Red Cross. I truly enjoy giving back.
Follow Laura on LinkedIn:

Close to the home office: Angela Crane, Branch Manager in Overland Park, KS – Angela.K.Crane@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: Overland Park is the second largest city in Kansas and the site for the first airplane flight west of the Mississippi with shows by the Wright brothers in 1909.
Committed to organization
Being a branch manager usually means I am up before my alarm even goes off. A typical morning may look like this:
- Receiving phone calls from examiners needing assistance
- Making calls to help get answers for examiners
- More inquiries from staff in the field
- Address those needs with more calls and emails
And that’s all before I arrive at the office where the real fun begins. Once at office, I review our daily tasks whiteboard. This ensures we are organized and ready to take on the day. Once our operations staff is prepared for the day, I check in with my sales representative on specific client needs. Communication is key with both the office and sales staff, and I make sure we are all working together on a daily basis.
“Knowing we are helping someone make good choices with their health and helping a family get the life insurance coverage they need makes my job very satisfying.” – Angela
Sometimes “life happens” and I need to order more supplies, have equipment serviced, reschedule appointments, and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. A branch manager can have a pretty busy day every day, but by being organized and always keeping the clients and applicants in mind we can accomplish a lot. Also, knowing we are helping someone make good choices with their health and helping a family get the life insurance coverage they need makes my job very satisfying – busy but satisfying.
Follow Angela on LinkedIn:

Headed to the heartland: Rylan McRoy, Inside Sales Representative in Lenexa, KS – Rylan.D.McRoy@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: Lenexa was known as the “Spinach Capital of the World” in the 1930s and continues to recognize this by celebrating with the Spinach Festival every September.
Committed to follow up
As part of the Inside Sales team for the last two years, I have had the opportunity to work with our clients throughout the country, as well as my peers in the field and at the home office. I start my day by following up with my clients, checking in and thanking them for their new and continued business. Additionally, I seek out new agents and introduce them to some of ExamOne’s services, including: online ordering, real-time scheduling and our Loyalty Program. I educate them on the value of these solutions and how they help reduce policy issue cycle time.
“I believe when our clients feel appreciated and respected, it helps us build a strong relationship and gain future business with them. That’s the best ‘thank you’ we can receive.” – Rylan
At the home office, I connect directly with all ExamOne offices across the country. When there is a need for follow up on new orders, scheduling or tracking an order status, I have the resources available to help. “Following up” sometimes means walking over to our Customer Service Group (CSG) and asking for their assistance on a client request. I regularly visit our CSG representatives, like Emily James, CSG Supervisor, to research agent inquiries. Working together, we get the answers we need fast. It’s very satisfying to be able to help solve a client’s issue quickly and professionally.
Follow Rylan on LinkedIn:
Follow Emily on LinkedIn: 

Welcome to Texas! Charlotte Wallace, Office Branch Manager in Austin, TX – Charlotte.L.Wallace@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: Austin is the only city in the world known to still operate a system of Moonlight towers, lighting structures from the 19th century.
Committed to serving others
As a Branch Manager my job is to serve. I have to look at all aspects. The office staff and the challenges we face, the calls coming in and agents with questions or checking up on progress of clients. Sometimes I tell folks that “I am wadin’ in the weeds looking for those squiggle things.” A typical time that I start my day is 6:45 a.m., because there are things to be done. Right away I respond to agents, or follow up with examiner questions. I check in with customer service representatives in charge of exam completions. We hold meetings where I get a chance to listen to my staff’s concerns and counsel them and put a smile back on their face. After grabbing myself a soda I pour it into my motivational cup reminding me “today I will make magic happen.”
“Before ending my day, I make sure that I am thankful for my life that allows me to have a right heart, a right mind, and a right spirit to make it through my day tomorrow.” – Charlotte
As a branch manager it is my job to serve. It is also my calling because I believe that to be a good leader I must first be a good servant.
Follow Charlotte on LinkedIn: 

Make sure to visit our blog frequently this summer to meet more employees committed to you across the country.

Our industry is built on relationships. The relationships that carriers, agents, and brokers have with their clients, and the relationships between vendors and partners like us. For our part, we are committed to bringing the most value that we can to these relationships. From our sales representatives in the field to the operational teams in our offices, we build our days around helping our clients work more effectively and providing the best possible experience for applicants. To highlight our dedication, we are going to take a peek into the “day in the life” of our team and how they are committed to putting clients and applicants first.
Summer road trip fun fact: It’s Las Vegas, enough said.
Follow Brittany on LinkedIn:

Please join us on a summer road trip as we visit our employees who are committed to our clients and applicants across the country.
Committed to clear communication
Key communication in the West: Travis Vang, Sr. Sales Representative in San Jose, CA – Travis.M.Vang@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: San Jose was founded in 1777 and before Sacramento, it was the state’s capital.
“I try to ensure that our examiners treat every exam with equal importance and I communicate this to my clients as well.” –Travis
Life insurance agents have an important duty, and that is to help and protect families by trying to ease the burden of losing someone close to them. It is my job to help them in this process. If our service is courteous and quick, and our communication is clear, then everyone benefits from our process.
Follow Travis on LinkedIn:
Committed to providing support
Support in the East : Sue Querques, Sales Representative- Hillsborough, NJ – Sue.X.Querques@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: Hillsborough is the home of the Belle Mead General Depot, which was a storage site for materials for World War II.
“When agents are confident that I am a valuable resource, they will call me.” – Sue
Our home office is also there for you. On my quest to deliver outstanding customer service, as a sales representative I have the support of the ExamOne home office for assistance. The reliability within our home office team is vital to the process. We work together to identify improvements and develop resources to train agents. We as a company are committed to providing support to all of our clients.
Follow Sue on LinkedIn:
Committed to a personal connection
Professionalism in Pittsburgh: Beth Mcginley, Sales Representative in Pittsburgh, PA –Beth.R.Mcginley@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: With six victories, the Pittsburgh Steelers have won the most Super Bowls in the NFL.
“I value the professional relationships I have gained during these five years and hope to continue to grow these with ExamOne.” – Beth
We all know what is really important to all of our clients, and that is having their exams completed in a timely, professional manner. Providing good customer service is what I enjoy so much about my job. Walking into an office and being greeted on a first name basis with my clients is an amazing feeling. Being recognized by an agency for providing excellent service on a case they submitted is what it is all about. When a client spreads a positive word of mouth about my service; that is when I realize I have gained their trust.
Follow Beth on LinkedIn:
Committed to a positive attitude
Continuing our adventure: Jerry Brinson, Sales Representative in Raleigh, NC – Jerry.W.Brinson@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: The first state art museum in the country is in Raleigh, NC.
“Keeping a positive attitude and ensuring them that everything is going to work out is what I do best.” – Jerry
My favorite quote is “the client doesn’t care how much you know unless they know how much you care.” I carry this attitude with me every day and will continue to do so throughout my career with the best company in the industry.
Follow Jerry on LinkedIn:
Committed to problem solving
Making our way east: Laura Calvin, Sales Representative in Charlotte, NC – Laura.C.Calvin@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: For over 50 years, Charlotte led the nation in gold production. The gold rush here began in 1799.
“The relationships I build with my clients are strong and that is important in this job. It is not just about selling something, it is about being there.”- Laura
The best part of my job is solving problems. We all hate problems, but there is nothing better than an agent reaching out to me for help and being able to take care of them. They know they can count on me and it feels good to be trusted with their business. Answering their phone call day or night means that I have done everything I can to help them.
Follow Laura on LinkedIn:
Committed to giving back
On a mission in the Midwest: Laura Dorsey, Sales Representative in Indianapolis, IN- Laura.L.Dorsey@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: “Take me out to the ball game” was written by an Indianapolis native, Albert Von Tilzer.
“I frequently have the opportunity to partner with local organizations on so much more than just a medical exam.” – Laura
But one of the greatest things about working for ExamOne on the local level is that it allows me the opportunity to work with my clients in their efforts to give back to the community. Whether it is helping to raise money for the Payton Manning Children’s Hospital or Ronald McDonald house, helping with a blood drive at an agency to donate blood to the Red Cross. I truly enjoy giving back.
Follow Laura on LinkedIn:
Close to the home office: Angela Crane, Branch Manager in Overland Park, KS – Angela.K.Crane@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: Overland Park is the second largest city in Kansas and the site for the first airplane flight west of the Mississippi with shows by the Wright brothers in 1909.
Committed to organization
And that’s all before I arrive at the office where the real fun begins. Once at office, I review our daily tasks whiteboard. This ensures we are organized and ready to take on the day. Once our operations staff is prepared for the day, I check in with my sales representative on specific client needs. Communication is key with both the office and sales staff, and I make sure we are all working together on a daily basis.
“Knowing we are helping someone make good choices with their health and helping a family get the life insurance coverage they need makes my job very satisfying.” – Angela
Sometimes “life happens” and I need to order more supplies, have equipment serviced, reschedule appointments, and ensure nothing slips through the cracks. A branch manager can have a pretty busy day every day, but by being organized and always keeping the clients and applicants in mind we can accomplish a lot. Also, knowing we are helping someone make good choices with their health and helping a family get the life insurance coverage they need makes my job very satisfying – busy but satisfying.
Follow Angela on LinkedIn:
Headed to the heartland: Rylan McRoy, Inside Sales Representative in Lenexa, KS – Rylan.D.McRoy@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: Lenexa was known as the “Spinach Capital of the World” in the 1930s and continues to recognize this by celebrating with the Spinach Festival every September.
Committed to follow up
“I believe when our clients feel appreciated and respected, it helps us build a strong relationship and gain future business with them. That’s the best ‘thank you’ we can receive.” – Rylan
At the home office, I connect directly with all ExamOne offices across the country. When there is a need for follow up on new orders, scheduling or tracking an order status, I have the resources available to help. “Following up” sometimes means walking over to our Customer Service Group (CSG) and asking for their assistance on a client request. I regularly visit our CSG representatives, like Emily James, CSG Supervisor, to research agent inquiries. Working together, we get the answers we need fast. It’s very satisfying to be able to help solve a client’s issue quickly and professionally.
Follow Rylan on LinkedIn:
Follow Emily on LinkedIn: 
Welcome to Texas! Charlotte Wallace, Office Branch Manager in Austin, TX – Charlotte.L.Wallace@ExamOne.com
Summer road trip fun fact: Austin is the only city in the world known to still operate a system of Moonlight towers, lighting structures from the 19th century.
Committed to serving others
“Before ending my day, I make sure that I am thankful for my life that allows me to have a right heart, a right mind, and a right spirit to make it through my day tomorrow.” – Charlotte
As a branch manager it is my job to serve. It is also my calling because I believe that to be a good leader I must first be a good servant.
Follow Charlotte on LinkedIn:
Make sure to visit our blog frequently this summer to meet more employees committed to you across the country.