Category: Carriers

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Holiday shopping for life insurance? The purchasing habits for 3 generations of consumers

December 19, 2018 By


Health incentives build partners for life with life insurers and consumers

November 30, 2018 By

Take advantage of health and wellness incentives offered by life insurance companies to build a lifetime and lifestyle relationship.


Seeing through the smoke: The correlation of tobacco, marijuana and drugs of abuse

November 15, 2018 By

The correlation of tobacco use and marijuana use could be a red flag for insurers. Studies show high correlation to positive cotinine and THC to other DOA.


Glycolysis and hemolysis: Does it still matter to life insurers?

November 1, 2018 By

Specimen quality is critical for the life insurance underwriting process. With advances in lab testing protocol, do glycolysis and hemolysis still matter?


Customer survey: Using your insights to empower our decisions

October 24, 2018 By

Our recent customer survey identified three areas where we can create a better experience for our life insurance customers. Find out what we're doing next.


Three things an insurer should consider when implementing a pilot

October 18, 2018 By

A pilot can be an effective tool for measuring the impact of a new product or workflow. Here are 3 things to consider when implementing a pilot.


Cystatin C: Transforming cognitive and frailty screening

October 12, 2018 By

Learn more about how uncovering high levels of Cystatin C is helping insurers identify potential areas of concern for the proposed insured.

Ask The Experts

Ask the Expert: Drug trends in America

October 3, 2018 By

As the opioid epidemic continues to spread throughout the country, we will examine the drug trends in a workforce population and life insurance population.


Transforming life insurance into a lifetime of benefits

September 18, 2018 By

Life insurance is important to a family's financial planning. It also helps you adopt a healthier lifestyle when you get a life insurance wellness report.


First-hand experience about the importance of life insurance

September 11, 2018 By

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. I have had first-hand experience of how coverage or lack of coverage can change families’ lives.