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Client feedback drives creation of four new project teams
Our client feedback from our annual customer survey helps prioritize four areas of focus as we continue to build out roadmap initiatives.
Expanding exam centers across the country for more appointment options
This fall, the number of exam centers will increase to approximately 2,300 exam centers, dramatically increasing afternoon appointment availability.
Students bring new perspective to ExamOne during summer internships
Two Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) undergraduates chose ExamOne to complete hands-on internships within our data analytics department.
Seven facts for life insurers to know about vaping
ExamOne is working with our life insurance clients to help build comprehensive cotinine and THC laboratory testing solutions to address their requirements concerning vaping.
New digital option to capture health history information caters to consumer preferences
Life insurance applicants can complete their health history interview using our unique, online platform, giving them more flexibility.
Time to recognize our life insurance examiners
Being an examiner and the “face” of ExamOne, life insurance examiners interact daily with individuals taking the time to protect their families with life insurance. Now we are taking the time to show them our gratitude for being our frontline ambassadors.
Recognizing our hardworking employees
Each year, we recognize the efforts of ExamOne hardworking employees who are proven leaders in demonstrating our commitment to the life insurance industry. Meet some of these employees.
Ask the Expert: Discover more about historical laboratory data for life insurance underwriting
Historical laboratory data can be useful for life insurers in the underwriting process. Discover some of the top diagnoses codes and doctor specialties.